In "Carlin's dead."


In "Disturbing Russian Playgrounds"

Now I know why Russians drink. (BTW, these are some of the most disturbing AND the most awesome things I have ever seen!)

In "Mystery Meat Macrophotography"

Mmmm...snouts and entrails...

In "Curious George: What should we call the band?"

?!!??!?!?!!? Interrogangbang!!

Oooh. If you pick my suggestion, do I get a prize? Free CD? Backstage pass?? Gangbang with the band???

In "Animals Preserved in Formaldehyde"

Calling Damien Hirst... (gorgeous photos, btw.)

In "Curious George: What should we call the band?"

UMLAUTICCA!! Apollo Poontang Click For Free Rice The Plague Vectors ...(I've gotten past my moustache phase...)

Military Moustache Man-Milk Moustache The Ten-Mile Moustache Ride Review Crusty Moustache Mild-Mannered Moustache ANYTHING with the word 'moustache' in it, cuz it's the best word EVER!! It makes me squirm.

In "What the fuck?"

Is a case of Bud Light worth swearing for?? I dunno, but this is fucking funny. (YouTube)

In "Word play for the hungry"

300 grains of guesswork before I missed. Is that enough to give someone a snack? speaking of which...growly tummy wants breakfast. NOW!!!


Finally got Tittie McNipples to switch hit for me.

In "First Concert Memories."

Lights went down, big screen, '70's light show weirdness started and Yes came out. Those lights were called 'lasers'. I saw that tour, too. Complete with Donovan and his wailing guitar. And those ghostly green laser light beams dancing all over the ceiling. Yep. 1977. Also saw KISS that year (or maybe that was in '76).

I have much fonder (or at least clearer) memories of my second concert: Elton John. 1974. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Tour. I think my body was used to the smell of thai stick by then.

Grand Funk Railroad. 1972. Civic Arena, Pittsburgh. I was 8 years old. As the lights went down, the air got this funny sweet smell to it. It smelled like Bill Hamilton. The tall skinny black man (with the afro out to HERE) who sat in front of me pulled a baggie out of his underwear. His friends all seemed really happy about that baggie. They didn't seem to mind where it had just been. I don't remember much else, other than I got really 'tired' sitting there in that dark, sickly-sweet smelling loud place. The black man bobbed his head. The afro waved all slow-motiony-like.

In "A Siberian gives birth to her 12th child— was stunned to find that little Nadia weighed in at a massive 17 pounds, 1 ounce."

'Hoodectomy' is clitoral unhooding? I always thought it meant taking the owl out of your ass.

In "Meteorite Crashes Near Remote Peruvian Village: "

Mmmmm....mystery vapors.... (BTW, I posted a link to this yesterday. Chunk of Uranus??? Anybody???)

In "Blind guy takes out mugger."

You don't wanna beep at 'em, either. (YouTube)

In "I own a piece of Uranus."

A little chunk of Ouranus, perhaps?

With this development I believe a name change is called for. Uranus no more. It's Ouranus now. And, like, we dig it.

In "Bell Jar Bees"

WHOA!! Freaky. Cool. Sticky. Yummy.

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